When a person makes any mistake, America’s focus is on punishing that person, rather than solving the problem that was caused. The American justice system is not broken; it is functioning exactly as intended, since its inception to catch runaway slaves. ...
Not everyone requires the same accommodation for their disability, and some individuals have more than one depending on their needs or how they're feeling on a day to day basis. Whether it's a wheelchair, crutches, medication, or a dog, our citiz...
... The overwhelming majority of members of Congress haven’t experienced these challenges and aren’t part of a generation for which these issues are both pervasive and definitional. And as a result, the biggest problems young people face remain largely una...
Child marriage has historically been a socially accepted practice; however, it is now widely seen as a form of child sexual abuse. Some international organizations, like the U.S.A. State Department, have deemed it a violation of human rights. According to ...
Considering children, the future humans meant to foster our ever developing society, we would like to extend them the kindness of learning in a healthy manner in the home and in school. The conventional rights of the child is that they are learning human ...
Capital Punishment - is to be reserved for those convicted of mass killing and serial killer events only. Due process is to take no more than one calendar year. There should be two options available for the execution; morphine overdose or firing squad.
This integrated policy combines measures such as mandatory masking, mandatory vaccinations, exemptions for religious and health reasons, housing initiatives for the houseless population, and transitioning individuals impacted by the carceral system to sec...
Decriminalization is the process through which the legislature removes criminal sanctions against an act, omission, article, or behavior which is considered a crime. Decriminalization means it would remain illegal, but the legal system would not prosecute ...
Sex work is the consensual exchange of sex between adults for a fee. Criminalizing adult, voluntary, and consensual sex, which includes the commercial exchange of sexual services, is not compatible with the human right to personal autonomy and privacy. The...
This policy is a series of additions and revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the medical standards of care, and the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards. The goal of this policy is to ensure that all Americans with disabilities are guarant...
This policy is a series of additions and revisions to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) and the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). The goal of this policy is to ensure that public schools provide students, teachers,...
Climate change is showing its predicted effects day after day, year after year. We need to completely change the way we interact with global ecology, geology, and meteorology. There is no single answer; the problem is centuries of pursuing profit at the ex...
Firearms will be made accessible to all. Getting a gun will be like obtaining a driver’s license. Every applicant must provide valid proof of identification and proof of insurance. Like a driver’s license, your handler’s card will have to be renewed, insur...
It is time to move the USA into a global conversation, rather than pursuing global domination. We will no longer be policing the world. Instead, it is time for us to participate in peace. Not only allyship at a government level but at an individual citize...
The for-profit adoption system in the United States is effectively legal human trafficking, and foster care is full of abusive people with no regard for children's well-being. Major changes are necessary to put children's mental and physical saf...
This policy will be carried out in three phases. The first phase will address the national emergency of houselessness, while setting up structures for the following phases. The second phase will address housing safety, from domestic abuse to fire hazard wi...
We are going back to the policy of used between 1880 and 1920, a time of rapid industrialization and urbanization, America received more than 20 million immigrants.
Under our current system, basic needs are fulfilled by purchasing goods and services. Production of goods and services are not organized according to human needs nor is ecological sustainability considered. Currently, production is organized by private ec...
Black people have been owed reparations for generations, something that our government promised —and failed to deliver time and time again. The entire foundation of the USA was built on the backs and unpaid labor of enslaved African Americans. Even today, ...
Though most humans connect with their pets and other animals, the current reality for most is a connection based on fear. Outdated and scientifically debunked practices are still used on all manner of pets today (dogs specifically) that directly influence ...
It is failing and we can do better. By replacing Supplemental Security Income (SSI) with Universal Basic Income (UBI), all Americans, including the retired population will live more comfortably. All without eliminating Supplemental Security Disability Inc...
The economic crisis was caused by corporate greed and an unwillingness of the government to regulate them. We cannot dismiss the long history of Wall Street and corporate CEO-friendly economic policies that have led to an economy that is dangerously out of...
Infringements on human life and the quality of human life, as well as environmental destruction, have costs, which as of 2022, no one is paying. We insist that responsible parties be held accountable financially for their participation in destructive and d...
We figured if we're covering housing, healthcare and education, y'all don't need UBI, right? Wrong! People are still responsible for their transportation and other essentials. We think $2000 per month is a good number to start at. If you t...
The Unicorn Party and Jasmine Sherman, presidential candidate, have come together to create a policy that aligns with our principles that we hold so dear. A healthcare system that does the most! It can to improve the health of all Americans, which will pr...